
Meet AshleyHi there, I’m Ashley – gluten free cook, baker, and blogger, and I’m here to show you that living gluten free doesn’t have to be boring.

When I was first diagnosed Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive, I instantly felt disappointed and frustrated (among a lot of other emotions!). You see, I have always loved cooking and baking, and I thought this new diagnosis meant I would have to give up all of the foods I had grown to love over the years.

No more bread, cookies, cakes, brownies, pasta…. I was distraught, to say the least. But then I decided that I wasn’t going to let NCGS win; I wasn’t going to let it have complete control over my life and stop me from doing one of the things that brings me joy – cooking and baking.

Like most couples, I am gluten-free, but my husband isn’t. This presented quite the predicament when I was first diagnosed NCGS because I didn’t want to have to do double duty in the kitchen.

AKA, I didn’t want to make a gluten free dinner for me and a “regular” dinner for my husband. If I was going to make everything gluten free, it couldn’t taste like. I didn’t want it to and I know my husband didn’t either.

So I started trying different gluten-free products and cooking methods. There were a lot of failed recipes, dishes that tasted like wet cardboard, tears, and frustration throughout the years, but I have emerged on the other side a better baker and cook.

And now I’m here to share my tried and true, foolproof gluten free recipes with you. If you’re just starting out on your gluten free journey, I can assure you it gets easier, and my step-by-step recipes will help.

If you’ve been gluten free for a while, but are looking for new ways to ramp up the flavor or mix it up, I guarantee you’ll find some inspiration while you’re here!

Or if you’re just curious about gluten free living, I hope you find some new, interesting recipes to add to your repertoire. Whatever the reason, I promise you, you won’t miss the gluten in any of my recipes.

To learn more about Celiac Disease and Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitive, including symptoms, common myths, and step you can take to start your gluten free life, I recommend visiting BeyondCeliac.org. It’s a great site with a wealth of information and support.

Here’s to making gluten free living anything but boring!